Hi there!

My name is Cindy Tingley and I have lived an incredible, rewarding life. From Radio Announcer and Club DJ to Computer Repair Technician and Website Designer, I have had a very rich and fulfilling experience.

Fortunately for me, I had also been blessed with a very healthy existence. But all that medical “luck” came crashing down on December 28, 2022, when I collapsed with a seizure for no apparent reason. Days later, when I was fully brought to a woken state, I learned I had a Stage 4 Brain Tumor and would need surgery ASAP. I immediately announced, “Okay, let’s get this done!”

It was at that moment my blessings began to show up in unimaginable ways. And they continue to show up every single day.

Fast forward to July 2024, as I am writing this some 19 months later. I am not only surviving, but thriving! I can confidently say, “I am a brain cancer SURVIVOR!” The KEY for me has always been to maintain a POSITIVE ATTITUDE. I would love to help you do that too!

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